Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday....Totally Success!!!!!

Well, I took a little trip to Killeen to visit my sister this past Thursday, after Thanksgiving with Bonnie Jean. This was the first holiday with out him being there. Eddie lead the prayer and gave thanks for the fact that Elton was in heaven with all the other family members. He added that he was thankful for all the Thanksgiving dinners that he was there to prepare for us. If anyone has ever heard me talk about Elton's Dressing you know he was an excellent cook. He prepared it all!! He was awesome!! Well, Bonnie Jean took up the cooking this year and let me tell you she did an excellent job!!! We all were teary eyed after that wonderful prayer that Eddie brought though!!

Anyway I arrived at Lisa's at about 7:30 And she had cooked Thanksgiving dinner for her family and friends. It was great as well!! We got up @ 4:15am !!!! We arrived at Wal-mart and didn't get anything we wanted!!! So we ventured off to Toys R Us we hit the jack pot I got all the nieces and nephews all their presents!! So a big part of my shopping venture was good!

Okay i actually got Caleb his main gift from Santa! Caylee we are still deciding on that. I still got alot done and feel ahead of the game!!Happy December!!!

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