Thursday, August 28, 2008

School is in YEAH!!!

Well, here is my handsome big third grader!!! Speaking from a very partial MOM lol!!! I will have pics of baby girl next week!! She starts pre-school at FBC next week!!

Well, I have been a terrible blogger here lately, I have been soo busy with the shop! I hope to open by Sept. 9th!! Well I am sooo excited about the shop opening up!!! Can't wait!!!
Well my lovely old computer crashed HA HA HA my sister is sooooooo happy we tried to save it on several occations!!!! So I purchased a lap top.....WWWWOOOOOWWWW never new what I was missing I love it!! Thats another reason I haven't blogged! So I should be a better blogger now!!! See ya soon!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So Many Things....

Well, in the last week my baby turned 8 years old, my mother-in-law was in the hosp.(all reports were good), we went school shopping, my building has sheet rock, prime, and paint, the floor goes in tomorrow, and there is a big party for the birthday boy Sat. So..... I love that everything is going so fast but I have to remind myself to take pic. of the journey!!!! Especially the beauty shop and the birthday party. No scrappin since the last crop, but I did get to go to Waco and shop at Crop, Paper, Scissors, Yeah!! I love looking at all the new stuff. So how has everyone else been?? If any English teachers read this they will definitely say that there were a few run on sentences in there LOL!! So I am sooo thankful for the rain and the break in th weather so HAPPY MID AUGUST!!!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Look!!!

Well, I finally decided to spend some time on my blog. I was browsing on Amy's & Ronda's blog saw their new backgrounds and decided to go shopping for a free blog back ground. There were sooo many pretty ones. I had fun looking and decided on this one for now. Since they are free I guess I can change whenever the mood hits me!! So make sure you scroll all the way down and read all the new stuff. I had a spurt of energy last night and did all kinds of stuff!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

My latest work.....

Well, it has been a long while since I have posted any work at ALL!!! So the pics with these lo's were either great from LIBBY's or from last years back to school and from a disposable camera (mine was on the Fritz). I had to crop the hek out of these pics!! Okay my mind was on the beauty shop and there were lots of interruptions that weekend too so I only got FOUR LO's done HA HA HA HA.

August is here.... My Shop is here.....& they are both hot!!!!

Well, the weather can speak for itself, but my beauty shop has alittle while to go lol!!! Here are some beginning pics....

Okay, I do have LO from the FBC crop....they are okay.... I have been working on the shop and my mind was totslly off focus that weekend but I will post them asap!!
