Thursday, December 11, 2008


Wow, I think this winter is colder than we have ever had. I definitely don't have enough clothes on here lately! That North wind cuts through like a knife!

Well, I have to thank God again for the business that I have started, I have been busy-busy-busy. The devil can play tricks in our minds and tell us to look at the economy and that can scare anyone, right? Well, we all know that we need to keep our eyes on the Lord, he is the author and finisher of our faith and he's our provider!! I love what I do, and if I can encourage someone God leads to me, by lending an ear, or making them feel good about themselves, then I feel good. It's not about me but the little things in life can mean a lot to some people. This is a kinda ministry, in its own uniqueness.

The holidays are right around the corner and my work days are already getting full. I may have to work some Wednesdays. I am willing to work more to make my clients look their best for their family and the holidays. Merry December ;)

1 comment:

sharingjesus/goodlistener said...

I love the hair cut !!
Great your business is doing so well. God does truly bless His children, I need a new picture for my blog to show my new style.
Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS !! Will call you after the holidays for an appointment.