Monday, September 15, 2008


My new website is up and running for the salon. Hope everyone can make it over and check it out!! BIG thanks to my sister Lisa who is all the way over in Killeen, got it all set up for me!! Her husband P. set up all the REDKIN signs for me!! I love them sooo much for their brains..LOL!! Thanks guys!!!


P.S. This is all the pics I had of Lisa & P. with their whole family!!!(They are beautiful!!!)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Caylee's first day!!!

Even though Caylee thought she was going to K. big school this year, she warmed up nicely to Pre-K with Ms. Marie. I knew that she would love it this year because she would be the older pre-schooler of the bunch. I am soooo glad that I was right about it, because she hardly ever leans toward my thinking. She is soooo independent...uuummm wonder were she gets that from???? Well, I love her through all her uniqueness!! Here is a picture of her first day of school Sept.2, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Two left hands!!!!!

Okay, after 12 years of doing hair, I have definitely had TWO LEFT HANDS on my first day of work Tues. You all know how it can be whenever you become sooooo comfortable in the environment you have been in for soooo long. Well, I have only worked at two places over the past 12 years. So, my first day Tues. was so weird because I wasn't familiar with everything and where it was. On a great note my NEW European backwash bowl is awesome!!!! I have shampooed lots of people this week and not one client has got wet on the neck!!!!If you have left the beauty shop wet on the neck, you understand completely how nice it can be to be dry!!! Also I have stood straight upright and my back and shoulders are not hurting at all!! So things are getting better and in the long run its gonna be great!!!!( no rent due tomorrow!!) Just had to throw that in there LOL!!! Hope to see you all soon, come by and see the new shop!!
