Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hello Everybody!!!!

I have been so busy and have neglected my blog, I hope everyone will still check out my blog I haven't blogged in so long that I think it has been about a month now. I'm just so excited to actually sit down and put my thoughts down. So I am so excited to get to scrapbook this weekend!! FBC is having their two nighter crop!! I haven't scraped in soo long that I hope I can still get motivated in the creativity area!! I don't have not one picture printed out. So I have lots to do by Fri.

Well, I am proud to announce that I am opening my own Beauty Shop here at my house in about two months. I have been doing hair for 12 years now, and have been renting for the same. I have spent sooooo much $$$$ over the years in rent. Now is the time to make an investment in my own business and put my money in my own business and have an asset instead of putting it into the air!! It is going to be so nice to have my own space. Anyway, be in prayer about the move and the making of my new business!!

I'll be in better contact!!