Monday, December 29, 2008
2009 almost here......
Well, everything in 2008 is fixin to be in the past!! We are about to go into yet another year!! With Christmas over there is alot of cleaning up to do and doing that Winter cleaning!!!! Tomorrow it is back to work after a very long weekend!!! WOW, I don't get that very often!!! Well Eddie go me a Canon Rebel XSI for Christmas and I don't have one clue how to work it!! But i can't wait to use it!! Well my goal for 2009 is to get my scrapbook room in order, so I can start back to my hobby!! Plus afew others that I have in mind!! Well HAPPY end of DECEMBER!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas is almost here....

Well I am so excited about my first open house here at my new Salon. This is open to everyone past, present, or current client. I wanted to send out a Thank you and a invitation for me to thank you personally, for your business in 2008!!! I can't believe that it has 3 1/2 months that I have been open now. I hope that you can make it by to see the new place and gra a little treat!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas is almost here....
Well I took another trip to Killeen to celebrate Izzy's 7th birthday party. We went skating there in Killeen and the kids had a blast!!! Caleb caught on real fast!!! I had the opportunity to do some more Christmas shopping too!! I love having lots of choices!! The bigger cities can really spoil you ! I still need to make one more trip to finish up and I will be complete and ready for Santa :-)
I have Mon. off to bake and I am working Tues & Wed then I will be off for 4 What can I do to enjoy my time off well maybe RELAX!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
I have Mon. off to bake and I am working Tues & Wed then I will be off for 4 What can I do to enjoy my time off well maybe RELAX!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wow, I think this winter is colder than we have ever had. I definitely don't have enough clothes on here lately! That North wind cuts through like a knife!
Well, I have to thank God again for the business that I have started, I have been busy-busy-busy. The devil can play tricks in our minds and tell us to look at the economy and that can scare anyone, right? Well, we all know that we need to keep our eyes on the Lord, he is the author and finisher of our faith and he's our provider!! I love what I do, and if I can encourage someone God leads to me, by lending an ear, or making them feel good about themselves, then I feel good. It's not about me but the little things in life can mean a lot to some people. This is a kinda ministry, in its own uniqueness.
The holidays are right around the corner and my work days are already getting full. I may have to work some Wednesdays. I am willing to work more to make my clients look their best for their family and the holidays. Merry December ;)
Well, I have to thank God again for the business that I have started, I have been busy-busy-busy. The devil can play tricks in our minds and tell us to look at the economy and that can scare anyone, right? Well, we all know that we need to keep our eyes on the Lord, he is the author and finisher of our faith and he's our provider!! I love what I do, and if I can encourage someone God leads to me, by lending an ear, or making them feel good about themselves, then I feel good. It's not about me but the little things in life can mean a lot to some people. This is a kinda ministry, in its own uniqueness.
The holidays are right around the corner and my work days are already getting full. I may have to work some Wednesdays. I am willing to work more to make my clients look their best for their family and the holidays. Merry December ;)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Black Friday....Totally Success!!!!!
Well, I took a little trip to Killeen to visit my sister this past Thursday, after Thanksgiving with Bonnie Jean. This was the first holiday with out him being there. Eddie lead the prayer and gave thanks for the fact that Elton was in heaven with all the other family members. He added that he was thankful for all the Thanksgiving dinners that he was there to prepare for us. If anyone has ever heard me talk about Elton's Dressing you know he was an excellent cook. He prepared it all!! He was awesome!! Well, Bonnie Jean took up the cooking this year and let me tell you she did an excellent job!!! We all were teary eyed after that wonderful prayer that Eddie brought though!!
Anyway I arrived at Lisa's at about 7:30 And she had cooked Thanksgiving dinner for her family and friends. It was great as well!! We got up @ 4:15am !!!! We arrived at Wal-mart and didn't get anything we wanted!!! So we ventured off to Toys R Us we hit the jack pot I got all the nieces and nephews all their presents!! So a big part of my shopping venture was good!
Okay i actually got Caleb his main gift from Santa! Caylee we are still deciding on that. I still got alot done and feel ahead of the game!!Happy December!!!
Anyway I arrived at Lisa's at about 7:30 And she had cooked Thanksgiving dinner for her family and friends. It was great as well!! We got up @ 4:15am !!!! We arrived at Wal-mart and didn't get anything we wanted!!! So we ventured off to Toys R Us we hit the jack pot I got all the nieces and nephews all their presents!! So a big part of my shopping venture was good!
Okay i actually got Caleb his main gift from Santa! Caylee we are still deciding on that. I still got alot done and feel ahead of the game!!Happy December!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
San Antonio .............
We are headed for a weekend on the river walk to help celebrate one of Eddie's friends wedding. It is going to be at the Westin on the river walk. We are leaving Friday, the wedding is Saturday evening, and we will return Sunday evening. I am in charge of getting all the ladies in the wedding party beautiful for the wedding. I think there is gonna be six total. I am nervous as always on updos because it is so out of my norm. The hair has to be prepared just right, usually straightened then rolled the re curled. It sounds so unnecessary but it is. When it is all said and done they look great, it's just up until the final, okay here you go, it looks crazy, almost like were are you going with this??? Very rewarding though. I love what I do!!! Being creative is so fun. I can't wait to start scrapbooking again!! My room is a wreck and it is gonna get a makeover real soon!!!! I will take pictures along the way so everyone can see.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Blah to blessed!!
Okay I am better today!! Had a busy day and I am thankful for that!! I think we need to remember to be thankful in the little things. Having customers to fill my day is such a blessing!!! Not that it hasn't been busy but I sure haven't been thanking God for it. I've been too busy to stop and say thank you to my Lord. Well, he is good!!!
Well, in the kid side of my world, Caleb got his pig yesterday, her name is Blueberry. She is white with a blue butt go figure LOL. I wanted to name her Bluebonnet, but Caleb wanted the other. He is mister independent!! He loves her though!I have to say she is pretty. Scroll on down and there are pics of her.
As far as Ms. Caylee goes, she is something else altogether!! She had her Fall pics at preschool today, sure hope they turn out good. She is growing soooo fast that I forget to take pics sometimes.So I am reminding myself to get the camera out dust it off and take some pics!!!
Well, I never talk about my love Eddie on my page so I guess here's a first. He had his CD release party for Smokin' Gun first CD a few weeks ago. They sold a ton of products!!! I got a T-Shirt with all the guys signatures on it!! The product is so professional and well produced!! If anyone is interested come but the shop they are for sale $15.
Well over and out for now don't forget to pray for our country and the leader, maybe not my choice, but God can handle him, the economy, and any thing else in this world!!!
Well, in the kid side of my world, Caleb got his pig yesterday, her name is Blueberry. She is white with a blue butt go figure LOL. I wanted to name her Bluebonnet, but Caleb wanted the other. He is mister independent!! He loves her though!I have to say she is pretty. Scroll on down and there are pics of her.
As far as Ms. Caylee goes, she is something else altogether!! She had her Fall pics at preschool today, sure hope they turn out good. She is growing soooo fast that I forget to take pics sometimes.So I am reminding myself to get the camera out dust it off and take some pics!!!
Well, I never talk about my love Eddie on my page so I guess here's a first. He had his CD release party for Smokin' Gun first CD a few weeks ago. They sold a ton of products!!! I got a T-Shirt with all the guys signatures on it!! The product is so professional and well produced!! If anyone is interested come but the shop they are for sale $15.
Well over and out for now don't forget to pray for our country and the leader, maybe not my choice, but God can handle him, the economy, and any thing else in this world!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that you don't feel anything but BLAH???? Well it just hit me today. I have been going through all my paper work for 2008 to get everything ready for the end of the year taxes. I know that it is early to even be thinking of this but, I have no where to put a thing. I have all new kinds of paper work for the beauty shop that need to be separated and we are still in this year. TOOOOO confusing I know?!^&*!? I don't even understand it all. Starting 2009 in January I will be organized and I will have room for everything and I will understand what I'm doing, I hope!!!! Well, with the holidays coming quickly, I start to feel overwhelmed. I look at the kid's rooms and they don't need one single thing they are sooo blessed. So I think we should donate the toys that are in good shape to make room for the new ones. Anyway I am rambling on like a crazy person but I'm not crazy just very vocal today! I really needed to but all my anxieties on my blog to express myself!! I do feel better now!! On a good note HAPPY NOVEMBER!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Love the New product!!

If you weren't able to make it to the Uppercase living Party I hosted you missed an awesome product. I know that if anyone is a scrapbooker and you didn't see this product you will fall in love like I did. You can contact Kayla Ray to book a party and receive FREE products by hosting a party like I did!!
Well, Caleb just got his first show pig for County Show. She is 4 weeks old and she is pretty!! Willie found her from a breeder in Palestine and Kort has the sister to her. Here is a pic of her and Caleb.......
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Still Time!!!
The Uppercase Living Party has been extended for this week!!!!
Come by the beauty shop and look through the book, make your order, and it will be here before the holidays!!! There is some beautiful things for all the rooms in your house. Go to the website So if you missed the party Friday night come on by the shop and make an order!!!!
Come by the beauty shop and look through the book, make your order, and it will be here before the holidays!!! There is some beautiful things for all the rooms in your house. Go to the website So if you missed the party Friday night come on by the shop and make an order!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Party Friday Night!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Well this is the best time of the year for me. God is so awesome the way he can move the days shorter, the mornings cooler, and the trees will eventually start to change colors and loose their leaves!! Amazing isn't it!!!
The beauty shop business is so great these days, I have officially been in business for one month and one week. I have a sweet young stylist working with me now that excepts walkins. She has been here this week. She is from Jewett and is 26, her name is Erika Gonzales. I think she is gonna be great!!
Well, here's some of my work my Aunt Robbie from Cleveland she came all this way to see me....
Monday, September 15, 2008
My new website is up and running for the salon. Hope everyone can make it over and check it out!! BIG thanks to my sister Lisa who is all the way over in Killeen, got it all set up for me!! Her husband P. set up all the REDKIN signs for me!! I love them sooo much for their brains..LOL!! Thanks guys!!!
P.S. This is all the pics I had of Lisa & P. with their whole family!!!(They are beautiful!!!)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Caylee's first day!!!
Even though Caylee thought she was going to K. big school this year, she warmed up nicely to Pre-K with Ms. Marie. I knew that she would love it this year because she would be the older pre-schooler of the bunch. I am soooo glad that I was right about it, because she hardly ever leans toward my thinking. She is soooo independent...uuummm wonder were she gets that from???? Well, I love her through all her uniqueness!! Here is a picture of her first day of school Sept.2, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Two left hands!!!!!
Okay, after 12 years of doing hair, I have definitely had TWO LEFT HANDS on my first day of work Tues. You all know how it can be whenever you become sooooo comfortable in the environment you have been in for soooo long. Well, I have only worked at two places over the past 12 years. So, my first day Tues. was so weird because I wasn't familiar with everything and where it was. On a great note my NEW European backwash bowl is awesome!!!! I have shampooed lots of people this week and not one client has got wet on the neck!!!!If you have left the beauty shop wet on the neck, you understand completely how nice it can be to be dry!!! Also I have stood straight upright and my back and shoulders are not hurting at all!! So things are getting better and in the long run its gonna be great!!!!( no rent due tomorrow!!) Just had to throw that in there LOL!!! Hope to see you all soon, come by and see the new shop!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
School is in YEAH!!!
Well, here is my handsome big third grader!!! Speaking from a very partial MOM lol!!! I will have pics of baby girl next week!! She starts pre-school at FBC next week!!
Well, I have been a terrible blogger here lately, I have been soo busy with the shop! I hope to open by Sept. 9th!! Well I am sooo excited about the shop opening up!!! Can't wait!!!
Well my lovely old computer crashed HA HA HA my sister is sooooooo happy we tried to save it on several occations!!!! So I purchased a lap top.....WWWWOOOOOWWWW never new what I was missing I love it!! Thats another reason I haven't blogged! So I should be a better blogger now!!! See ya soon!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So Many Things....
Well, in the last week my baby turned 8 years old, my mother-in-law was in the hosp.(all reports were good), we went school shopping, my building has sheet rock, prime, and paint, the floor goes in tomorrow, and there is a big party for the birthday boy Sat. So..... I love that everything is going so fast but I have to remind myself to take pic. of the journey!!!! Especially the beauty shop and the birthday party. No scrappin since the last crop, but I did get to go to Waco and shop at Crop, Paper, Scissors, Yeah!! I love looking at all the new stuff. So how has everyone else been?? If any English teachers read this they will definitely say that there were a few run on sentences in there LOL!! So I am sooo thankful for the rain and the break in th weather so HAPPY MID AUGUST!!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
New Look!!!
Well, I finally decided to spend some time on my blog. I was browsing on Amy's & Ronda's blog saw their new backgrounds and decided to go shopping for a free blog back ground. There were sooo many pretty ones. I had fun looking and decided on this one for now. Since they are free I guess I can change whenever the mood hits me!! So make sure you scroll all the way down and read all the new stuff. I had a spurt of energy last night and did all kinds of stuff!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
My latest work.....
Well, it has been a long while since I have posted any work at ALL!!! So the pics with these lo's were either great from LIBBY's or from last years back to school and from a disposable camera (mine was on the Fritz). I had to crop the hek out of these pics!! Okay my mind was on the beauty shop and there were lots of interruptions that weekend too so I only got FOUR LO's done HA HA HA HA.
August is here.... My Shop is here.....& they are both hot!!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hello Everybody!!!!
I have been so busy and have neglected my blog, I hope everyone will still check out my blog I haven't blogged in so long that I think it has been about a month now. I'm just so excited to actually sit down and put my thoughts down. So I am so excited to get to scrapbook this weekend!! FBC is having their two nighter crop!! I haven't scraped in soo long that I hope I can still get motivated in the creativity area!! I don't have not one picture printed out. So I have lots to do by Fri.
Well, I am proud to announce that I am opening my own Beauty Shop here at my house in about two months. I have been doing hair for 12 years now, and have been renting for the same. I have spent sooooo much $$$$ over the years in rent. Now is the time to make an investment in my own business and put my money in my own business and have an asset instead of putting it into the air!! It is going to be so nice to have my own space. Anyway, be in prayer about the move and the making of my new business!!
I'll be in better contact!!
Well, I am proud to announce that I am opening my own Beauty Shop here at my house in about two months. I have been doing hair for 12 years now, and have been renting for the same. I have spent sooooo much $$$$ over the years in rent. Now is the time to make an investment in my own business and put my money in my own business and have an asset instead of putting it into the air!! It is going to be so nice to have my own space. Anyway, be in prayer about the move and the making of my new business!!
I'll be in better contact!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Busy Summer!!!!
Okay, I think that there is some normalcy coming back in my life. We have been sooo busy with everything from baseball, to more home remodel, to VBS, to just keeping the kids from being bored to tears. Okay, if anyone has any ideas on keeping the kids busy at home for summer PLEASE let me in on the secret!!! There may be a reward in store here LOL!!! Well, with all kidding aside we are still receiving all kinds of sympathy cards and they are all beautiful!!! It is so nice to be reminded that there are all kinds of people that do care. It sure does help ease the pain during a time of lose!! Well, I plan on attending the FBC crop in July, I will post my work from that and maybe something new before then, don't give up on me I do still love to scrap just haven't had time here lately!! Have a wonderful summer!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
We're Gonna miss you.........

As you all know my father in law passed from this earth last Mon. 9th from an unexpected heart attack. But, as soon as he took his last breath here he was in heaven with all his loved ones and most of all Jesus. We were in Florida @ wdw. We were devastated and at loss for how to even begin to get home. Well with our travel agents help and prayers from home,that we had no idea of, we made it home very smoothly despite the rush and having no idea how to do anything.
I just wanted to let everyone know that we appreciate everything the prayers, flowers, hugs, and calls. Nothing has gone unrecognized or unnoticed! Thank you!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Summer is here!!!!!!
Well, it is definitely HOT outside here lately! I wish I could take swim lessons w/Ms Esha (Alisha) and Ms Medodie (Melonie) LOL that is what Caylee calls them!!! Well maybe we can find time this weekend at WDW. We leave Sat. for Florida and will be back Fri the 13th. Okay Thank God we aren't superstitious!!! So, if you don't hear from me in the next week or so keep checking back I will be back LOL!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Last of May!.?*.!1.??
Okay, this is the last of this wild & crazy month!! This week will conclude school, graduations, field days, end of the year parties and etc!!! So it will take all three months of summer to re coup, right?? Well, then Caleb will be in the third grade, and Caylee will be in pre-school with Ms. Marie. But we want look that far ahead that's a whole new ball of wax!!! So summer here we come, the temp. outside definitely feels like it, right!!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Secret is out........
We have been planning a 40th wedding Anniversary Party for Mom & Dad for three months. We finally got through it all w/o them finding out. They were totally surprised!!!! The party took place @ Regina & Gary's house (our second parents) on Sat. the 24th @ 1pm. They thought they were attending a company party for all Regina's co-workers @ her house. Of course Mom & Dad always attend all their cookouts, So they were surprised whenever we yelled,"SURPRISE....HAPPY 40th!!" We had loads of food, family and of course fun!!! Here are some you MOM & DAD!!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Mother's Day present..........
Photo taken by Libby in Teague, purse from Gina Alexander...... Whenever I first visited Libby w/ Caylee I had to then go w/Caleb then together. It was a domino effect, but it has all been worth it. See had a purse from G.A. and I fell in love!!!She is definitely very good with kids. Caleb has always been my ham and Caylee didn't care about smiling she is better now. She took a great turn at four. Anyway I wanted to share w/ everyone my unique gift!!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
My new look..........
This has taken some time but I had to change my layout because I couldn't get my slide to fit on the side of my other page layout. So I ventured off into new templates and found one that works with the slide show displayed on the right side. No I'm not bored and I have a list of things that I could be doing but, every time I blogged it took my slide further down my page then eventually disappeared. Okay I'm sure there was a way to correct that but I couldn't figure it out,lol!!!! Welllllll, anyway hope this layout works for a while, that gives me a headache to figure all that stuff out!!!!!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Finally Time........
Well, I finally have the time to sit and update my Blog. I'm sure everyone has looked at my page and wondered where has she been ??? LOL, Between Caleb's baseball, Prom, Caylee graduating, home remodel, etc etc etc It feels good to let all my feelings out even though it has been a week or so....So everytime you all check this out and you don't see activity, keep checking back!! Maybe one of these days I will Scrap something new....See Ya!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Prom Update.....
Well, I guess some girls have had a change of heart, there were two more girls on the books today for prom. Hey, if I'm going to be there I should work and make that extra $$$$. Remember I have a goal....... to make it to WWD w/o going dipping into savings. See if I make everything a challenge then it makes me work harder and keeps focused!! Who cares if I can't feel my fingers afterwards,lol!!! Creativity here I come-
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Prom blues!?*!
Well, I usually am pumped about prom, although this year is different. This year the Senior students have protested going to the prom. For whatever reason I am only doing two girls this year, I usually have 9 or 10. But you can bet your bottom dollar my two girls will be BEAUTIFUL!!! Even though prom is extremely hard is very rewarding!!! I love making my girls complete their total look! So this Sat. makes the last of proms for the year.....wish me luck!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Motivated Monday!!!!
Well, how many of us have to get motivated to get everything done on that one day off, LOL. What is the scripture that talks about, "build yourself up in your most Holy Faith." It is a task that we have to decide to do for our own benefit!! Remember the purpose!!! This blog is so for me.....I'm talking to myself!!!! This does make you feel better in a sense....YEAH!!!! This is my release!!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Successful Sale!!!
Between the yard sale and Leon and Fairfield Prom I am tired. The whole two days were worth it so I guess I can't complain too much. That is alittle more for our trip to WDW in June. The goal is to try to go dept free and no dipping into savings. Now maybe I can think on some scrapbooking. My area has been neglected and needs major organization!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Stuff, Cluter, okay maybe someone's treasure??!!
Today was a task to declutter all my house, closets, storage etc..... So we are having a yard sale. Friday hopefully it will not rain and make some$$$$$ we have large items like a couch, wind back chair, two recliners, and more more more!!! Whatever is left will go to Goodwill and Lord's pantry. Maybe I can still checkout QVC for scrappbooking during the day!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Full Monday!
Okay, like every other woman in the world we have one day off (if we're lucky) to get everything done...... so is it really a day off????? Well, I have come to know that it is our life at home with our fam that is our purpose! This was a revelation that God revealed to me at the recent MCC Womens' Conference, Speaker was Mary Jean Pidgeon Spoke. So God has lifted that drudge from the day, it has definitely helped anyway!! So guess I will get started!! Happy Monday!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Happy Morning!!
I woke up this morning thinking of how great I felt. Then remembered that it was Sun. Decided to post a blog then get ready for church. It also felt great to have accomplished a major task on this blog spot. Can't wait to figure out the slides......Have a blessed day!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Just discovered that on my very first ever blog on my new page there is a misspelled word LOL!!!!!! Here's to all the perfectionist out there, enjoy!! We are all imperfect until we reach HEAVEN !!! (just found the spell check lol)
Happy b-day!!
Just a small shout out to my BIG bro. on his 38th b-day!! Hope the concert was great luv ya!!
attempting the imposible
Okay here goes the craziest thing I have ever attempted, trying to set up a Blog spot!?/!! I think I have a fair start but I don't want to hear any laughs okay.
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